Water Conservation Education

How to Get the Most Out of Your Water During Restrictions

Posted on August 28, 2013

When your Fort Worth community is under a water restriction, it can be challenging to meet the water needs for your household. Sometimes, the solution lies just outside. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), outdoor uses account for around 30 percent of an average household’s water consumption. A few savvy lawn irrigation strategies from the pros at Andy’s Sprinkler, Drainage, & Lighting Services can help you get the most out of your water supply during water restrictions.

Best Lawn Watering Practices

Most Fort Worth homeowners can cut their water usage significantly by avoiding wasteful lawn watering techniques such as running sprinklers in the heat of day when much of the water will be lost to evaporation. Watering infrequently but scrupulously during the early morning hours helps your lawn develop the deep, robust root system that it needs to survive periods of drought.

Get the Most Out of Your Water During Restrictions

It can take a bit of experimentation to determine how to deliver the amount of water needed without creating wasteful run-off. Lawns typically need about one inch of water for every watering period. Placing an empty tuna or pet food can on your lawn between two sprinkler heads makes it easy to see if your irrigation system is getting the job done. Keep an eye out for run-off as you wait for the can to fill. If you notice water spilling onto the sidewalk or street before the can fills, you may need professional sprinkler system repair or service.

Test Your Sprinklers

A well-designed sprinkler system will keep your lawn looking lush and green without wasting water. In addition to ensuring that the sprinkler heads are adjusted to avoid watering patios, paths and sidewalks, you’ll want to make sure that they’re producing the right kind of spray as well. Large droplets of water are preferable to a fine mist that can evaporate before the grass has time to absorb the water.

Prompt sprinkler system repairs are essential during time of water restrictions. A quality Fort Worth sprinkler company understands the importance of water conservation. To make sure that your irrigation system works optimally, call the experts Andy’s Sprinkler, Drainage, & Lighting Services at 817-608-0660 to schedule service today.