How Well Does Your Lawn Drain?
El Niño means wet weather from California to the Carolinas. The Dallas Fort Worth area will see at least twice the amount of rainfall as normal over the next three months. If you have a lawn, patio or other areas of your landscaping that collect water, you may have flooding in these areas this winter. Flooding will damage your landscaping and yard so you may want to see about alleviating the situation before the heavy rains come to your neighborhood.
There are several ways that Andy’s Sprinkler and Drainage can help.
Water Collecting On Lawn
Water collecting and puddling in an area of your yard is a real nuisance. Kids may go out and play and get into the muddy area and track the dirt into your house. Dogs will of course do the same thing. The excess water will destroy your grass as well. A good way to fix the problem is to install a catch basin and a grate so that the water will drain into it. A pipe is laid in just under ground from the catch basin to channel the water out to the street or drainage ditch.
For larger areas of standing water, a French drain can be used.
A French drain consists of a slightly sloped trench filled with pea sized gravel surrounding a perforated pipe which is buried underground diverting water away from your home into a drainage ditch or street. The nice thing about French Drains is that they are hidden underground so standing water problem is solved with no noticeable change to your lawn or landscaping.
Standing Water On Patio
More mature homes and properties may begin to have issues with water not running off of a patio. This is due to the long term growth of a lawn or shrubs adjacent to the patio. The roots grow larger and more dense and prevent water from flowing off as it did years before. One way to remedy this issue is to install a drain in the patio. A hole can be cut out of the cement and a catch basin installed as well as pipe to carry the water out. An aesthetically pleasing screen will cover the catch basin fitting flush with your patio surface, problem solved.
Call Andy’s Sprinkler and Drainage today for a complimentary quote to remedy your standing water issues today. We are here to help.