Professional Christmas Lighting versus DIY – Is There Really a Difference?

Posted on November 4, 2022

As the Christmas season approaches, you might wonder what the difference really is between Christmas lights you could buy yourself and the ones that are professionally designed and installed. All Christmas lights are beautiful, but a quality installation means a professional design, commercial grade quality lights and no safety risks to your family.

Christmas LightingChristmas Lighting

At Andy’s Sprinkler, Drainage & Lighting, we use commercial grade LED light bulbs. These bulbs are longer lasting with a shatter proof casing. The LED bulbs we use are available in a wide variety of options. We can customize your lights to your taste with different colors, tones, styles. Do you want bright whites with a traditional tear drop shape? Or, maybe you want a warm white shade with a combination of bright reds? With a professional installation from Andy’s means no more chasing a certain color or design of light from one store to the next hoping they are not already sold out!  Whatever your Christmas lights wish might be, Andy’s Sprinkler, Drainage and Lighting can create a custom design just for you! 

Another reason to have the professionals at Andy’s install your Christmas lights is because of the socket wire we use. This wire is measured and cut to your home specifically. We build out the design and cut every pinpoint to be perfectly measured to the exterior of your home. This means you have no excess wire at the end of the strands which looks sloppy and dangerous. The lighting wire we use is also a higher gage and better shielded. As a result, you can safely run more lights than a standard strand on one plug and it is also more durable! 

If all of these reasons haven’t convinced you, consider safety and time. Christmas is one of the busiest times of the year.  Not only are you risking your neck when climbing on a ladder, but you are taking up time that you could be spent with your family. When you hire the team at Andy’s Sprinkler, Drainage and Lighting, our crew installs the lights on your home for you without you having to do a single thing! You can attend your holiday festivities without the sore backs or scraped up arms from reaching that final strand!   We have multiple techniques when installing Christmas lights on a home. We can do bracket under a roof shingle, temporary glue for an archway, and more! Don’t waste the time could be spending with your family this holiday season. Call Andy’s Sprinkler, Drainage and Lighting today for your Custom Designed Christmas Lights

Oh, and did we mention that if one bulb goes out, the whole strand will not go out AND we will come out to REPLACE that one bulb? 

Don’t wait, call Andy’s Sprinkler, Drainage and Lighting today!