Benefits of drip irrigation

Save Water with a Drip Irrigation System

Posted on September 26, 2013

Watering your landscaping can make the difference between a vivacious yard and an abundance of dry plants. During the spells of hot, dry weather we get in Fort Worth, it can get pricey and even wasteful to run your sprinkler every day, spraying wide streams into areas that do not need watering. You can maximize the efficiency of your watering efforts by installing drip irrigation. At Andy’s Sprinkler, our engineers and specialists can ensure your plants and foliage get water delivered directly to their roots.

Avoid Going Dry

As we experience long periods of dry weather and drought, conserving water will be top-of-mind for consumers. Drip irrigation allows small drops of water to slowly absorb into the soil and into the roots. In Idaho, one Nampa farmer who used this method found they cut their water usage by more than half, dropping to two feet of water per acre from the five feet they used to use. On another farm, workers noted they used 25 percent less water and half the fertilizer they needed in previous years.

Avoid going Dry

Residential systems also work to save water, which means cost savings on water bills. Drip systems can work in a variety of landscapes and topographies. They also produce fewer weeds and water-borne pests as the water goes directly to the roots of your foliage instead of falling on the bare ground. Working with professional installers can help you avoid issues and ensure your system is correctly in place.

Rely on Expertise

Eco-friendly and budget-minded homeowners can enjoy the benefits of a residential drip system. Here at Andy’s Sprinkler, we can show you how easily this irrigation system can improve your yard and your water bill. Call us today for an appointment at (817) 608-0660.

Source: Capital Press, “First mind fields on drip save water, fertilizer,” Sean Ellis, September 2, 2013