Understanding Water Restrictions in Your Area
Many communities, including Dallas, have imposed water restrictions to conserve the supply of water during years of drought or due to the decreasing availability of water in local aquifers and other groundwater sources. Dallas water restrictions affect both home and business owners. Our experts at Andy’s Sprinkler, Drainage, & Lighting Services, your Dallas sprinkler company, offer insight about the local watering restrictions that affect you.
Watering Schedule
Part of the Dallas community’s water conservation ordinance involves a watering schedule, which is as follows:
- Odd last digit of address: watering allowed on Saturdays and Wednesdays
- Even last digit of address: watering is allowed on Sundays and Thursdays
- No digits in address: watering is allowed on Sundays and Thursdays
Additional Watering Restrictions:
- No watering of yards between 10am and 6pm from April 1 through October 31
- Automatic sprinkler systems must be outfitted with freeze and precipitation detectors
- Hand watering and soaker hoses are allowed on any day.
Helpful Water Conservation Hints
- Maintain sprinklers. Arrange for prompt repair to detect leaks and other problems.
- Place hoses and sprinklers so that driveways and sidewalks are not getting watered.
- Avoid water wastage by not letting water run off into the street or sewer.
- Watering at night allows the moisture to soak into the roots of plants before the sun’s evaporation wastes it.
- Do not water while it’s raining. Check the weather forecast and plan ahead to make the most of your time and money.
At Andy’s Sprinkler, Drainage, & Lighting Services, our team of experts can help you comply with area water conservation ordinances. From sprinkler repair to lawn maintenance and other services, we help your property look good without violating Dallas water restrictions. For more information or to schedule service with our experienced and friendly professionals, give us a call today at 972-418-6998.