Watering, Specifically – An Overview

Posted on July 28, 2017

Water, by the piece

different parts of lawn need different amounts of water

Your home or business property has a plethora of different plants. From trees, shrubbery, and bushes, to flowers and grasses, your lawn is an entire ecosystem of its own. The different locations of these plant citizens will mean different things depending on a host of factors. A tree here may prevent sunlight to another part of the lawn, or a flowerbed there may create large water runoff zones below. Customizing sprinkler systems to the unique aspects of your property can maximize the appearance and potential of your lawn.

Think separately when watering different parts of the lawn

Your lawn is not just one item. You do have ONE lawn, yes; but that lawn has a multitude of pieces that make up the whole. These pieces may also be divided by actual physical location.

In short, you have a problem if you want to just water it all the same. Trust the blogger – it won’t work.

Each part of your lawn, physical and categorical, will require different watering needs and factors taken into account. The most basic is frequency of watering sessions and duration of those watering sessions. Consulting a professional sprinkler systems expert can eliminate uncertainty and ensure the best lawn of your life.

Observe your lawn and pay attention to watering

Watch while your sprinkler is running one morning. Take note of low spots where water seems to puddle. Track and mark spots where you see running streams on your lawn after the morning watering. Brown spots may indicate inadequate watering. Bring all these notes to your sprinkler professional’s attention on their next visit.

Level watering

Most lawns require about one inch of water each week. Whether this water comes from Mother Nature’s sprinklers (rainclouds) or from your own efforts is something that needs consideration. An automatic sprinkler system monitors and registers your lawn’s saturation levels on a regular basis, and can increase or decrease watering amount or frequency, based on how much help Mother Nature decides to give that week.

Recipe for a great lawn

Mix one part variety with two parts versatility.

More than one type of plant makes for a visually-pleasing result, while multiple plants performing a plethora of jobs is just good gardening sense. For example, interplanting a cool-weather grass and a warm-season grass ensures a green lawn all year round. Both shrubs and flowering bushes ensure a good leaf-cover along buildings and walkways, with the added incentive of beautifying flowers in spring or summer (or both!).

Treat each plant like they want to be treated.

Some plants prefer more water, even standing in a marshy area, and will perform best if provided plenty of water. Other plants like “dry feet,” and will do best in a soil that drains fast-fast-fast. Know what plants you have in your lawn, and treat them like the individuals they are.

Have an automatic sprinkler system.

An automatic sprinkler setup will ensure your lawn, and all the parts of your lawn, get the individual watering care they need, when they need it. And the best part is, you don’t have to do anything to the system once it is installed! It turns itself on and off as needed, and registers your lawn’s saturation levels regularly to keep up with the pace. For the best lawn on the block, an automatic sprinkler system is a great investment!

Want more information?

Give Andy’s Sprinkler a call, and get ready for the lawn of your dreams!