DFW Area Lake Levels Are Up
One good thing about El Niño weather is the DFW area Lake Levels Are Up and should be full for quite some time. This is great news for lake enthusiasts. Fishermen and boaters will be able to enjoy the Dallas Fort Worth area lakes and more coves and secret fishing spots that are too shallow during a drought.
Lakes such as Lewisville Lake are up about 8 feet. Grapevine Lake at the time of this article is up over 20 feet!
As you know, lake levels fluctuate based on the amount of precipitation we receive daily. Due to the increased number of storms the area has experienced, lake levels are full and getting fuller. Meteorologists expect Dallas and surrounding areas to receive double the amount of rainfall as last year and some areas may receive even more.
If you enjoy spending time at one of the DFW area lake (s), then you are in for a treat this year. Here is a list of the area lakes and their levels as of January 6th 2016.
Canyon Lake + .09
Eagle Mountain Lake + .22
Grapevine Lake + 20.25
Lavon Lake + 7.47
Lake Ray Hubbard + .08
Lake Ray Roberts + 7.38
Lake Tawakoni + 1.45
Lake Lyndon B. Johnson -.34
Lake Travis -3.97
Lake Buchanan -8.38
Medina Lake -14.9
For updates anytime on lake levels visit this website LakeLevels.info and have fun on Dallas, Fortworth, Austin and San Antonio area lakes!